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Eating a Plant-based Diet: How to Get Started

Jewish Food Hero

Nov. 28th, 2016

"If you’re interested in exploring eating more plant-based food or even transitioning into a completely plant-based diet—but aren’t sure where to start!—this post is for you."

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Jewish Food Hero

Jewish Food Hero

Dec. 24th, 2015

"When I began exploring plant-based nutrition in 2010, Jeff Novick’s name was prominent in many of the books and research I was absorbing."


An Interview with Nutritionist Jeff Novick (video)

The Slovenian Vegan Society

May 26th, 2013

The interview was recorded during the Farms 2 Forks Weekend in Chicago, USA

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Nobody Does it Better!

Health Science Magazine

Fall, 2012

"In this issue of Health Science, I have the pleasure of sharing my recent interview with NHA Board Member, Jeff Novick. As you will see, Jeff has had a remarkable and varied life."

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Meet our Members

ADA Vegetarian Update

Dec. 14th, 2011

"In 1973 I turned 15 and had my first experience with vegetarianism based on the book Love Your Body by Viktoras P. Kulvinskas. He recommended a raw food vegan diet." 

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Featured Medical Professional

The Vegan Culinary Experience

Aug. 1st, 2010

"I have been interested in food, fitness and health for as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest childhood memories involve helping my grandmother prepare food from scratch...."


Precision Nutrition

6 Questions

Dec. 10th, 2009

"Jeff Novick is known as an insightful, straight-shooting dietitian who debunks a lot of the food industry’s misinformation with humor and useful tips. I caught up with him to ask 6 important questions about eating and health.".

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A Personal Profile

The McDougall Newsletter

Jan 31st, 2009

"I have been interested in food and fitness for as long as I can remember. Some of my earliest childhood memories involve helping my grandmother prepare food from scratch... "

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An Interview with Jeff Novick

Health Science Magazine

Fall/Winter, 2003

Jeff Novick, MS, RDN, is the Director of Nutrition at the Pritikin Longevity Center and Spa in Aventura, Florida. He has taught nutrition at Indiana University and Indiana State Medical School. 


An Interview with Jeff Novick

The Pritikin Perspective

August/September, 2003

"It’s a great honor. I’m touched.” Pritikin Director of Nutrition Jeffrey Novick Received Indiana State University Graduate-of the Last Decade Award."

Jeff Novick, MS, RDN

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